How to apply


You can apply for the job position using one of following ways:


Fill in on-line application form which is available within each issued job advertisement here
 Current possitions

Send us your curriculum vitae along with cover letter and Agreement on administration, handling and saving of personal data via e-mail to: or

Send us your curriculum vitae, cover letter and Agreement on administration, handling and saving of personal data by post:
Kia Slovakia s. r. o.
Human Resources Team

013 01 Teplička nad Váhom


Important information

  • do not forget to state the title of the job position which you are applying on in your application,
  • when applying on position in administration or production/engineering sections do not forget to send us also English version of your CV

Hiring process

  • after receiving your application form we start internal pre-selection process of the candidates,
  • candidates who fulfill stated criteria will be invited to job interview,
  • job interviews for administration and production/engineering positions are generally divided in two rounds. Partially are held in English,
  • job interviews for production operators are stated as personal interviews supplemented by skills tests in dependence on the position.

How to find us:

  • doprava je zabezpečená firemnými autobusmi spoločnosti s odchodom zo žilinskej autobusovej stanice
  • z autobusovej stanice v Žiline sa do závodu spoločnosti Kia Slovakia, prípadne do vzdelávacieho centra v Gbeľanoch, dostanete autobusmi mestskej hromadnej dopravy č. 25 a 35 z nástupišťa č. 23 alebo 24
  • sú označené ako zmluvné autobusy spoločnosti Kia Slovakia

For more information about bus lines and departure times see:

  • transportation is provided by company buses with departure from Main bus station in Žilina, buses are marked as No. 25 or No.35 with departure from platform No. 23 or No.24