There are definitely many people among employees working for Kia Motors Slovakia, who have talent and have reached their success in many fields other than work. One of them is the 19-year-old Vladislav Gacik, who works at Assembly shop and who can now show off the title “World Champion”. He is an active sportsman, who has done the powerlifting for more than five years. It is a sports discipline where one lifts dumb-bells. Powerlifting consists of three events: the squat, the bench press and the deadlift.
Vlado started with this sport, which requests a lot of self-discipline, when he was 15. He was watching the competition on television when he got enthused about this sport and began to be interested in it. He started with hard training and after one year only, the first results arrived. He won the first price in the Slovak Championship. In 2003, he achieved the ever so valued award of the World Champion. As he said, it is a great feeling that forces you to work on yourself more and more and not to fail. His desire is to have at least three of these medals. Vlado competes for SPC Trnava club in Junior category from 110 kg to 126 kg and he is a member of the Slovak representation. He trains four times a week but during the season it is six times per week for two hours. One of his biggest achievements is breaking five European records in one day.
For Vlado, this sport has an intensity, style, beauty, and builds body as well as character. He has no idol because, as he says, it limits you and satisfies you and he always wants to be better and better. In his spare time, he likes to read a good book, watch television and lsurf on the internet.
As his colleagues say, despite Vlado´s achievements, he still stands firmly on the ground. On this occasion he would like to thank his parents for their support, Milos Hromada and Miroslav Holub for their willingness and huge help, to his colleagues on the Trim 1 line and last but not least, to his coach Rudolf Siska.
We wish Vlado a lot of health, strength and tenacity when achieving another awards.