Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea has visited Kia Motors Slovakia

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Sye-Kyun Chung, has visited the manufacturing plant Kia Motors Slovakia today.

Together with the company management, he toured the press, body, and assembly production shops. During his meeting with the company executives, he discussed not only about the current state of Kia Motors Slovakia, but also about challenges lying ahead in the near future. The Speaker, Mr. Chung, was glad to recognize the high level of communication between the company management and employees.

“It is a great honor for us that the highest representative of the Korean parliament considers our cars a natural ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Europe. During his visit, he expressed his strong belief that if we continue to manufacture our products according to global standards, we will be one of the best vehicle producers in the world,” said Dae-Sik Kim, President and CEO of Kia Motors Slovakia.

Kia Motors Slovakia belongs to the largest producers, exporters and tax payers in Slovakia. In relation to state institutions and organizations, suppliers, business partners, or own employees, the company has long and diligently been fulfilling its duties.

Fair and responsible approach of Kia Motors Slovakia has been recognized by Pontis Foundation in the category of Large Responsible Company in the 2016 Via Bona Slovakia contest. When evaluating, a unique concept of counseling rooms that are available to employees in production shops were acknowledged. Thanks to those, employees actively participate in the improvement of working environment and relations at work. The company has also been supporting the region where it operates, by, for example, financing projects or volunteering activities of employees.